Seneca Waterways Council - Commissioner Summit & College of Commissioner Science

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Commissioner Summit & College of Commissioner Science

Event Details

2019 Northeast Region - Area 3


Keynote Speaker:  Scott Christensen
Northeast Region President

Dear Fellow Commissioners and Scouters,

Welcome to the 2019 Commissioner Summit & College of Commissioner Science! The event this year will be on Saturday April 27, at Christian Brothers Academy 6245 Randall Road Syracuse, NY 13214.

Like everything else in our world these days, huge changes are taking place in Scouting. Even positive change can be disorienting to unit leaders, or it can be embraced as an opportunity to improve our service to youth. How unit leaders respond to change will have a significant impact on the future of the Scouting program and on our youth.

We envision the commissioner as playing a key role in how unit leaders respond to and navigate change. The theme of this year’s Commissioner Summit & College of Commissioner Science is “Serving Youth by Supporting Change”. The college itself has undergone significant change. The majority of the courses are new this year. The 2019 College will be an amazing opportunity to hear new ideas, and learn how to use them to support the adult leaders and the youth that they serve. Commissioners can and should be positive change agents. This year’s College is dedicated to helping commissioners learn about and support change.

Our outstanding staff will be offering over 40 exciting courses this year. Please plan on attending to reacquaint yourself and have fun with your fellow Area 3 Commissioners while you acquire new skills and enhance old ones from the new courses. Because the opportunity for these courses is limited we recommend that if possible you take Commissioner Basic prior to coming to the college.

Any questions you might have will be welcomed and can be directed to me at

Yours in Commissioner Service,


Valerie Kalwas
2019 College Chancellor
Seneca Waterways Council

The 2019 College is made possible by the generous support of the following Area 3 Councils:

  • Twin Rivers
  • Baden-Powell
  • Longhouse
  • Five Rivers
  • Iroquois Trail
  • Greater Niagara Frontier
  • Leatherstocking
  • Seneca Waterways
  • Green Mountain
When & Where
Commissioner Summit & College of Commissioner Science
Christian Brothers Academy
Saturday 04-27-2019
8:00 AM ET to 5:15 PM ET Past
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