Seneca Waterways Council - Top Shot

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Top Shot

Event Details

When:  Saturday, May 7, 2022 OR Saturday May 21, 2022.  REGISTER FOR ONLY ONE!

Registration from 7:30 to 8:15 am followed by an opening and explanation of how the program will run. 

Sessions begins at 8:30 am.  Lunch from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and closing at 4:15 pm.


Registered Scouts-BSA, Venturers, and other individuals aged from 12 to 20 years of age.

Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturing Scouts, Explorers, Sea Scouts and those participants aged 12 years old to 20 years old are invited for the day to either compete in the Top Shot competition or to cheer on the competitors and enjoy other program offerings. 

Competitors: Must be aged 12 years old to 20 years old.

Adults: are not eligible to compete, but are encouraged to help at the ranges or with the program offerings.  If time permits adults that volunteer and help out in some way may be allowed to participate at a particular range.

What: Participants will be separated into groups which will go from range to range.  Session time will be 50 minutes with 10 minutes travel time between sessions.  Participants will be given a basic safety presentation prior to being allowed to practice at that station.  Prior to leaving each station participants will participate for score.  Each range will have a maximum score of 100 points for a grand total of 500 possible points for the competition.

There will be two categories in terms of the competition.  Individuals aged 12 year to 15 years old and those who are 16 years old to 20 years old.  Sessions will include rifle, shotgun, bb-gun, archery, and knife throwing.

Why:  See who is the Top Shot for the day and the TOP Top Shot for the Weekend  Every competitor will get a free t-shirt and pin.  Trophies and prizes will be handed out in both age groups.  


Includes a lunch for all paid participants.
$25 per participant (12 years old to 20 years old)
$5 late fee starting May 1st.
$5 discount if signed up before April 1st.

Health Forms:  All participants and adult volunteers must bring a completed BSA health form parts A & B.  This form is available on the Seneca Waterways Council website under the tab for “forms” for any participant who is not registered with the Boy Scouts of America. This forms do not need to be turned in but must be available.

Equipment:  Participants should NOT bring their own firearms, bows, or knives.  All firearms, bows, knives, and ammunition will be provided at the activity.

Please direct all Questions: 

Matt Crance at OR
Eric Falkman at


When & Where
Day 1
Z Camp Babcock-Hovey
Saturday 05-07-2022
7:30 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET Past
More Information

Day 2
Z Camp Babcock-Hovey
Saturday 05-21-2022
9:00 AM ET to 3:00 PM ET Past
More Information