Sporting Clays Shoot
Wobble Tournament available after lunch and awards
Where? - Painted Post Field & Stream Club
Sporting clays is a little bit of skeet shooting, a little bit of trap shooting with some golf thrown in for good measure. It’s a shotgun shooting game in which clay pigeons are presented to the shooter in ways that mirror the flight pattern of game birds, or occasionally rabbits, in their natural habitats.
Sporting clays is exciting, challenging and LOTS OF FUN, no matter if you’re a beginner, novice or experienced shooter. The shooting grounds are laid out in stations also called stands along a course similar to golf & you shoot between 4 & 6 rounds per station.
TEAMS: Can be either all adult, all youth or mixed. If mixed, the team will be counted as an adult team.
BRING - Your own NYS Compliant Shotgun or Share One, along with 50 Shells or 2 Boxes per shooter. Shooters are also responsible for bringing Personal Eye/Ear Protection - REQUIRED!
CHECK IN - Starts at 8:00 am - Shooting Starts at 9:00 am with Lunch, then Awards presentations and Door Prizes afterwards.
PRIZES - Bucket prizes 25 tickets for $20. - 2 Station Prizes at the 4-Shot Stations $5 each station - Rifle Raffle $5 each chance - 50/50 to benifit the Painted Post Field and Stream Club. All prizes drawn after the Awards.
AWARDS - Top 3 Teams (Adult & Youth) & Top 3 Male/Female (Individual) Shooters
WOBBLE TRAP - A variation of standard trap shooting and will be held after awards. Cost for this only is $15 per shooter. Bring an extra 25 shells for this event.
Long Gun Raffle
If 1st Ticket Winner wants choice - MUST BE PRESENT !!!
Tristar Sporting S/T 12 Gauge 28" O/U Shotgun
Henry Big Boy 44 Mag Rifle
All Five Rivers Council Shooting Sports Programs are conducted by NRA Certified Instructors. If you are interested and want more information on how to become an instructor, contact Jim Griffin, Shooting Sports Committee Chair.
Proceeds Support Shooting Activities at These Council Activities!
Cub Scout activities - Resident Camp - Family Camping events - Unit Level events - NRA Training Events - Commitee Fundraising events
A log on is not required for this event. However, if you do not know all the names of your Team members or want to add other shooters to your registration later, it is strongly advised to create a log on account to make editing easier. You will be able to go in and change names, add names, add team name and add shooters up until registration closes.
If you would like to be an event sponsor please go to the sponsorship page (click here). This can also be done during registration. If your level of sponsorship inlcudes a free team, please complete the sponsorship first. You will then be emailed a code to use for the free team registration.
Confirmation emails come from If you do not get an email confirmation check your spam folder for this address.