Skeet Tournament

"Start the Year with a Bang”
At the 3rd Annual FRC Skeet Tournament
Camp Gorton - Sat., Jan, 28th, 2023
The tournament consists of 25 target rounds from eight different stations on the skeet field at Camp Gorton. A maximum of 5 “individual” shooters or squad will occupy the stations on the skeet field at the same time.
$50 per Person - 5 Registrations per 45 Min. Time Period = a “Squad”.
A Squad is NOT a Team!
Registration & Deadline:
Registration for a Shooting Time is on-line ONLY at: CLOSES at midnight on Sunday January 22nd.
Camp Gorton, 4241 County Road 25, Dundee, NY 14837
GPS Coordinates: N42 26.440 W77 05.705
Check - In:
Check-in at HQ building next to Parking Lot ½ Hour BEFORE your Shoot Time.
Miss your scheduled shoot time; go to the end of the line. A shuttle will take you to the range.
Ammo & Gun:
Bring Own Ammo w/ shot size of #7 1/2, #8 or #9 & your own NY Compliant Shotgun
Eye & Ear Protection:
Bring your own adequate eye & ear protection which MUST be worn by all shooters, officials and spectators during live firing.
New York state requirements will be followed. Bring your own mask if desired.
The official score is kept by a referee on the field. Decisions made on the field are final and may not be appealed after the score sheet has been delivered to the statistician. After each round is completed, competitors should verify their score and initial the score sheet. Score sheets are returned to the statistician upon completion of the course of fire. Ties are broken by the longest run, starting from the last shooting position.
Will be offered. You are encouraged to bring your own lunch.
Lewis Class System/Format will be used.
Raffle: Mr Buddy Heater - 4 - 9K BTU's, valued at $110: Tickets = 3 for $10, 6 for $15, 10 for $20
Drawing at End of Event - YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN !
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
9:00 AM ET to 9:45 AM ET Past
9:45 am - 10:30 am Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
9:45 AM ET to 10:30 AM ET Past
10:30 am - 11:15 am Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
10:30 AM ET to 11:15 AM ET Past
11:15 am - 12:00 pm Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
11:15 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET Past
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
12:00 PM ET to 12:45 PM ET Past
12:45 pm - 1:30 pm Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
12:45 PM ET to 1:30 PM ET Past
1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
1:30 PM ET to 2:15 PM ET Past
2:15 pm - 3:00 pm Shoot
Camp Gorton
Saturday 01-28-2023
2:15 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET Past