First Aid Rally

Great Falls Council
First Aid Rally 2025
March 15th 8-4pm
Calling all Webelos, Arrow of Light, Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Explorers!!!
Come learn & brush up on first aid skills and test them in the First Aid Competition and win awards for your unit!
Location: Amherst Central High School 4301 Main St, Snyder, NY 14226
Be Prepared to do a Good Turn!
Summary of the Event
The event kicks off at 9 am with a morning of skills development and instruction. The morning will be instructional and prepare scouts for the afternoon competition. All Units and age levels are encouraged to participate in these trainings. There will be hands only CPR training as well with a special guest who is living proof of the value of the skill!
We take a break for lunch where Scouts can enjoy a Hotdog, bag of Chips, and a drink that they have pre-purchased. There will be static displays to check out during lunch.
The afternoon starts with a competition where Patrols are given different First Aid scenarios and must show proficiency treating their patients. Judges score them on their use of the treatment given and the use of their first aid supplies.
The event ends with an announcement of the winning Patrols in each skill level.
Event Schedule
Registration: 8:30am to 9:00am
Instructional Classes: 9:00am to 12:00pm
No Compression CPR Training 11:00am to 12:00pm
Judges Training/Meeting: 12:30pm to 1:00pm
Lunch/ Visit Static Displays: 12:00am to 1:00pm
First Aid Competition: 1:15pm to 4:00pm
Closing Ceremony/Awards: 4:00pm to 4:30pm
Equipment Needed
- All teams are responsible for supplying their own first aid supplies, the event will not have back ups.
- Below is a list of suggested equipment that should be available for Each Den, Patrol, Crew, or Team. Your group can bring more than this list as they feel they may need.
- Do Not plan on groups being able to “share” supplies. Many of the competition problems involve multiple mock injuries and the team will need all their available supplies. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that teams will be placed close enough to share supplies, especially if they are competing at different levels.
- All supplies should have the Unit number or name on them in case something is misplaced or lost.
Recommended Kit Supplies
(all can be not-new or training only supplies, need not be purchased new)
12 Cravats/ Triangular bandages
5 Gauze Pads (4 x 4)
5 Rolls of Gauze (2” wide)
4 Splints (wood or plastic, avoid metal mesh type)
-2 Arm (approx. 3” x 15”)
-2 Leg (approx. 4” x 30”)
2 Blankets, heavy duty (used for stretcher and to keep patient warm)
6 pairs Non-Latex Gloves (One pair per team member)
1 Water Bottle
1 Note Pad
1 Pen/Pencil/Clipboard
1 Equipment box or bag to hold all supplies neatly.
Do Not bring long poles for making a stretcher. Instruct your Scouts on using the blanket carry, it is safer in a crowded area.
First Aid Rally Rules
- A 6 to 8 person Patrol will be used. There will be no substitutes of Patrol members during the competition.
- Each Unit may bring as many Scouts as they wish. Event Staff will help with building provisional Patrols to help achieve 6 to 8 person teams.
- Unit leaders are asked to be judges for a station for the AM or PM or both, so that the event has sufficient coverage at each station. Judges will be given guidelines for scoring.
- Each problem will have a different leader and patient. No one shall be a leader or patient for more than one problem.
- Your Patrol will be asked to transport your patient on the 2nd and 4th problems. Please select your patients accordingly.
- Patrols will have different judges for each problem.
- Judges may not judge in a division where their Unit has a team entered.
- Patrols must give their Unit number, Patrol name, problem leader name, and patient name before each problem begins.
- Patrols will be given no more than 10 minutes to complete each problem.
- Judges will then be given 5 minutes to give feedback on the Patrol’s actions and knowledge and complete the score sheet. Score sheets get turned in after every problem.
- Patrols will have about 5 minutes to re-organize their gear and prepare for the next problem.
- When a Patrol is ready to begin each problem, they are to stand in Patrol formation. As soon as they have a judge assigned for the problem, they will sit down and wait for the problem to be read.
- Only the problem leader may ask the judge questions. No other Patrol member may communicate with the judge during or after the problem.
- Patrols are not allowed to ask the judge what their score is for any problem. Score sheets will be available for pick-up at the end of the event.
- In the event an issue arises not covered by these rules, event staff will make every effort to come to a decision fair to all participants. Staff decisions are final.
Choose your Division
There are 4 different Divisions that Patrols can compete in. This is set up to match equally skilled patrols fairly, so there will be 4 stations per level (16 stations total). Each Patrol will self-identify which Division they would like to compete in. The Divisions are:
Beginner: Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts should be in this Division
Novice: First Year Scouts with little to no First Aid Training could be in this
Skilled: Scouts that have taken the First Aid Merit Badge or have completed the First Aid requirements for Rank could be in this Division
Expert: Older Scouts who have completed First Aid Training and have any supplemental Training could be in this Division.
Practice Scenarios
These are only potential scenarios. The Event Staff will determine and present the actual scenarios and your Patrol should “Be Prepared” for a wide variety of potential injuries.
- Your Scout Unit is attending the Klondike Derby at Camp Gorton and your Patrol decides to go sledding. While going down the hill, one of the sleds hits a bump and throws everyone off. One of the Scouts continues to slide down the hill and finally stops when he hits a tree. He is conscious and complaining of pain in his left lower leg and right upper arm. He has a cut on his chin that is oozing blood and he is feeling lightheaded.
Treat and Transport 10 Feet
- Your Patrol is attending a roller-skating party sponsored by your neighborhood Cub Pack. One of the leaders was skating backwards when he runs over something lying on the floor. He falls, catching his fall with both hands. His right wrist is painful to move and bleeding from a laceration on the top side of his wrist. His left hand is bruised. He is breathing fast, his face is very pale, and he doesn’t respond when spoken to.
Treat and Prepare to Transport
- A group of Scouts are rock climbing at Philmont. One of the Scouts trips over a branch on the path and falls, cutting his forehead. He is lying face down; his left shoulder is drooping and he is unable to move his lower right leg and it is deformed and is very painful. He cannot stand.
Treat and Prepare to Transport
- As your team was practicing for this competition, you drop the youth while you were practicing a carry. He is now facing up on the floor. His right arm which is under him is bent at the elbow and he cannot straighten it. He has pain in his left knee and a laceration under his right eye. He is becoming very pale and has a rapid weak pulse.
Treat and Transport 10 Feet
- Your Patrol is visiting a local college campus during the University of Scouting. One of your friends was running to catch up with the Troop and he jumped over a low fence. Unfortunately, he didn’t clear the top of the fence. He had put his hands out to break his fall and landed hard hitting his head. Upon reaching him, he is face down, he has a pen sticking out of his right eye and a bruise behind his right ear. His left leg is spurting bright red blood just above the ankle.
Treat and Transport 10 Feet
Pre-order your Lunch
There is the option to buy lunch. We would like you to preorder these items to ensure we have enough food. The cost for lunch is as follows:
Hotdog, bag of chips, and a drink for: $6.00
Additional Single hotdog: $3.25
Additional Bag of Chips: $1.50
Additional Drink: $1.25
Please order directly off the website. Supplies of additional on site purchases will be very limited. Lunch is served by the Order of the Arrow.
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