Cub Summer Camp Scouthaven 2025

Cub Adventure Camp
During your stay at Camp Scouthaven, you can participate in fun activities like a nature hike, fishing, BB Guns & Archery, outdoor skills training, swimming, boating and much more:
- Enjoy fun in the water and on the water with swimming, boats of all sorts, and fishing.
Hone your marksmanship skills at our BB & Archery Ranges.
- Learn about the wildlife, plants and trees that live at camp; play a fast-paced game of Gaga; and learn outdoor skills in our other program areas.
- Create a one-of-a-kind craft at our Handicraft area using leather, beads, paint and whatever else you can find!
- Learn more about science and technology in our ever growing STEM area.
- AOL's enjoy a Special Overnight Program on the Hill on our last night.
- Our program is 3 full days of fun, Campers arive Thursday moring and leave Sunday after our closing campfire.(Includes Lunch & Dinner on Thursday, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner on Friday & Saturday & Sunday, Breakfast and Family Lunch on Sunday)
What makes Cub Scout Adventure Camp different from any other Cub Scout camp around? Our campers are immersed in a themed experience during their stay. You’ll live in a tent, participate in age-appropriate programs, earn your whittling chip (Bears) and many other activities in the camp and interact with the costumed staff.
Advancement Opportunities
While at Cub Adventure Camp, you can work on all kinds of Adventure loops and Webelos pins, as well as Cub awards like the Shootong Sports Awards, the World Conservation Award, Nova Awards and parts of the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award. The only limit is what you choose NOT to do! Our staff will work with your Pack to provide advancement opportunities that meet your needs. Check out our Program Guide for more information on advancment opportunities.
Den Chiefs at Cub Scout Resident Camp
Den Chiefs are encouraged to come to camp to assist the Pack leadership in ensuring a positive experience
throughout the week. Den Chiefs are Scouts BSA Scouts who stay with a Den, but are there to provide support to the Cub Scouts. While Den Chief's are welcome to participate in activiteis with their Den, priority is given to the Cub Scouts if space is limited. The fee for a Den Chief is $180.00.
Den Chiefs are to stay in their own tent or share a tent with another Den Chief. They are able to participate in
all activities in camp throughout their stay. Den Chiefs are not adult leadership and cannot be counted on as an adult leader at any time. We ask they go through Den Chief Training before attending camp with their Cub Pack.
2025 Summer Camp & Payment Schedule
Camperships due by 3/15 - this is part of the registration process
Unit Site Deposit of $100 is Due at time of Registration
Bunk Deposit of $100 per person is Due on March 15, 2025
Campership Applications due by April 1st, 2025 (part of registration)
Final Payment is Due May 1, 2025
Late fee of $25 a person will be added after May 1, 2025
$400 - Cub Scout
$180 - Den Chief (subject to space & currently serving as a Den Chief in a Unit for 3 months or more)
$195 - Cub Scout Adult
Days only option (same price as attending)
Full days drop off of 7:30 AM in the morning with pick up at 7:30 PM. They would be getting all meals and all program. Basically the only thing that is different between them and traditional campers is the overnight. We can also have an early pick up option of 5 PM if families need this, arranged with Camp Clerk. An adult can attend as well, with leader pricing.
If a leader is not attending the entire week of camp, but sharing leadership on a day-today basis, each will be charged $40.00 per 24-hour period. If a unit has a parent or leader visiting camp for less than 24 hours then meal tickets are available for $6.00 Breakfast, $8.00 Lunch, and $11.00 Dinner.
Provisional Reservations – Scouts Not attending camp with Unit
Scouts who wish to attend camp without their unit are usually paired with another Pack in camp. Scouts who attend camp provisionally should pay their camp fees individually online or through the Service Center using the Provisional Scout Camp Registration Form. Provisional campers pay the same fees under the same timeline as those attending with their Pack. While this is an option, it is discouraged unless a parent is attending as well.
Camperships can be applied for during the registration process. It is strongly recommended that Unit Leaders enable parent portal. When this is done you will have log-in cards to print and give to your parents. They can then log in and access their Scouts registration, fill out forms and make payments. Camperships are due by March 15th.
Required Unit Leadership
Units must maintain the minimum two-deep leadership at all times. Each unit must have a minimum number of adults in camp at all times, two of whom must be over 21 (others must be 18 years of age or older). If a Cub Pack has female Scouts camping, one of the adults must be female registered leader camping. Parents/Guardians attending camp with their Scouts must take BSA Youth Protection Training, found at They must upload a copy of the certificate during registration. Note: Parents/Guardians cannot be counted or used as Unit Leadership. If there are Scouts in the campsite, there needs to be an adult present in the site as well! Anyone staying overnight in camp must provide a medical form to the Camp Medical Officer.
Your Scout's safety and security is our utmost priority, The Great Falls Council maintains certifications in the following areas:
NCAP accredited program and property
Youth Protection Trained staff with Criminal Background Checks
Certifications in First Aid, CPR,
NRA certified Shooting Sports instructors
BSA trained Lifeguards
Camp School Trained Administration and staff