Event Details

BALOO Training
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation is the outdoor training orientation for Cub Scout Leaders and parents of Cub Scouts. This training is designed to present Cub Scout camping skills in a format leaders can use to teach their Scouts. Topics include, but not limited to: simple camping, meals, campfires and storytelling, how to pitch a tent, and equipment choices. Completion of this course is mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack-coordinated overnighter. Packs attending Council or District coordinated events, family camps and summer camp are not required to have a BALOO-trained leader present but it is recommended for all Pack overnighters. Registration is required for this training as food must be purchased and supplies will be prepared for the numbers who register.
WHO: ALL Cub Scout leaders who want to take their Pack camping. Webelos Leaders who want to take their dens camping.
Any pack with less than 2 people trained in BALOO, can get this training for free to get the Pack up to 2 trained leaders. When you register select pay by mail. Email Staff Advisor Karl Ziegenfus to have the Council cover your fee.
An equipment list is available for this training. The training will be held rain (snow) or shine and is an outdoor training!
An online prerequisite is required which is available at This training must be completed prior to arrival.
If you want/need to come Friday night please email Staff Advisor Karl Ziegenfus
General Information
The BALOO training consists of two parts. Part One is the completion of four brief online modules used as a prerequisite. These modules are found at: (My Training, Training Center, Cub Scouting, Expanded Learning Section, BALOO)
Once these required prerequisite modules are completed, print your certificate and you’re ready for Part Two consisting of the practical portion of the training weekend.
You will be responsible for completing the required online training prior to coming to the practical course. You will not fulfill the “BALOO Trained” status until you have completed both the online and outdoor portions. The online portion is available through the BSA Learn Center. Log onto Click BSA Learn Center and then Catalog Tab. Search for BALOO Prerequsite Training V2. These modules will take about 35 minutes to complete. Once the online modules are completed, print the certificate of completion and bring it to the outdoor portion of the course.
You will need to attend both the Saturday night and Sunday sessions of the BALOO training to complete the outdoor portion of the training. Check-in will begin at 10 AM Saturday and end by 4 PM Sunday.
Youth Protection Training is required for every leader/adult who has direct contact with youth. Please be aware that everyone attending BALOO must complete YPT. This is a National BSA, not just a GFC, requirement. Please bring along a copy of your certificate or a copy of your YPT pocket card. Online YPT: click on the YPT icon.
Because this training includes an overnight, you are asked to bring a current completed BSA Annual Health and Medical Record - Parts A&B
Campsite will be assigned when you check in. You will park your vehicle in the parking lot and walk to the camping area. There will be wagons to help transport your camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, ground pad etc.)
Saturday lunch, dinner and snacks and Sunday breakfast & Lunch will be provided.
This training will take place regardless rain (snow) or shine, so please come prepared. Note the BALOO packing list for "what to bring." We will be both indoor and outdoor for sessions. We will have access to indoor bathrooms and showers.
Please come prepared with a song, skit, or a short story to share during the campfire planning session. Your ideas will help to build the campfire program on Saturday night.
BALOO Packing List:
___Field Uniform ___Rain Gear
___Jacket ___Durable Shoes (no open-toed) + extra pair if wet
___ Clothing ___Extra Socks
___Sleeping attire ___Sunglasses
___Toiletries ___Sleeping Bag (extra blanket depending on weather)
___Pillow ___Ground Pad/sleeping pad
___Hat, gloves ___Flashlight and/or small lantern
___Camp Chair ___Tent, tarp, ground cloth, stakes, poles
___Water Bottle ___Insect Repellent (?)
___Notebook and Pencil ___Pocket Knife
___Day Pack ___Skit or Song for Campfire
___ Cub Scout Six Essentials ___Health Form (Parts A & B)
___ YPT Certificate or Pocket Card
___BALOO Online Prerequisite Certificate
___Cup or coffee mug (We will provide plates & utensils for Sat. & Sun. meals.)
___World Friendship Fund financial donation (optional)
You may also reference the Cub Scout Handbooks for additional ideas. Our staff is looking forward to a very fun and informative training course.
Once registration is complete you will receive a confirmation email. If not, check your spam folder for an email from
When & Where