ITOLS: Intro To Outdoor Leadership Skills
Event Details

ITOLS Training
Camp Gorton
Registration is required for this training as food must be purchased and supplies will be prepared for the numbers who register.
WHAT: ITOLS is a hands-on training program to give adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the Outdoors. Imagine having hands-on knowledge about setting up a campsite, pitching a tent, hiking, outdoor cooking, etc. – all the skills necessary to see the outdoor program of the SBSA come to life.
If this is your 1st year as a Scoutmaster/Asst. Scoutmaster this training is free!! On the payment page select pay by mail and then email Staff Advisor Karl Ziegenfus for them to have the Council cover the registration fee.
If you want/need to come in on Friday night please email Staff Advisor Karl Ziegenfus
An equipment list is available for this training. The training will be held rain (snow) or shine and is an outdoor training!
- You will need to attend both the Saturday night and Sunday sessions of the ITOLS training to complete the outdoor portion of the training. Check-in will begin at 10:00 AM Saturday and end by 4:00 PM Sunday.
- Youth Protection Training is required for every leader/adult who has direct contact with youth. Please be aware that everyone attending ITOLS must complete YPT. This is a National BSA, not just a GFC, requirement. Please bring along a copy of your certificate or a copy of your YPT pocket card. Online YPT: click on the YPT icon.
- Because this training includes an overnight, you need to bring a current completed BSA Annual Health and Medical Record - Parts A&B.
- Campsite will be assigned when you check in. You will park your vehicle in the parking lot and walk to the camping area. There will be wagons to help transport your camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, ground pad etc.)
- Saturday lunch, dinner and snacks and Sunday breakfast & Lunch will be provided.
- This training will take place regardless rain (snow) or shine, so please come prepared. Note the ITOLS packing list for "what to bring." We will be both indoor and outdoor for sessions. We will have access to indoor bathrooms and showers.
- Please come prepared with a song, skit, or a short story to share during the campfire planning session. Your ideas will help to build the campfire program on Saturday night.
- You will need to complete Scoutmaster Position Specifics (available online) in order to be considered fully trained as a Scoutmaster or Asst. Scoutmaster.
Once registration is complete you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not get it, check your spam folder for a email from
When & Where