Five Rivers Council - Geofencing

Starting A Registration
How to start a new registration.
My Account - Part 1
My Account Basics
My Account - Part 2
Importing, Managing, and Using a Personal Roster
Parent Portal - Parents Guide
How parents can update registrations.
Access Reports
View reports for registration.


Event Details


Cub Scout Leadership:

Let’s face it, Cub Scout recruitment is going to be very different this year then it has been in the past. Schools will not be granting the access to the youth in the ways that they traditionally have in the past.  This does not mean that we do not recruit, it only means that we need to be smarter about recruiting. 

We know every Pack in our Council would like to have more membership.  More membership brings more adult leaders. More adult leaders will bring more help.  More Scouts make for a better program. Membership is a win on all fronts.

What would you think if we could give you a tool that would significantly increase your ability to recruit up to 8% more Scouts this year? If you could spend just a few dollars to increase your membership by 8%, would you make that investment?   How about if it was easy enough to do in just 5 minutes of your time? 

Let me tell you about Geofencing.  Geofencing is putting advertising of events on Facebook.  These are targeted ads.  Ads for the people that are directly linked to their demographics and selectively targeted to them.   This targets the exact people you are looking to reach.  It gives you the ability to share the opportunity of Scouting directly with the people that you want to target.  Parents, Outdoor people, Families, Moms, and Dads.  It is directed a select group of people.

It is Five Rivers Council’s goal to have every Pack, have a great Pack sign up night.  We would like to invest in the success of your membership.  It is well worth the cost.  Five Rivers Council will invest up to $7 in the advertisement to increase your advertising buying power. Not only will we invest in the advertising of your Pack sign up night, we will set it up for you.  All you will have to do is answer a few simple questions as you register for this marketing promotion.  It is that simple.  The next step is to bring extra blank youth and adult applications to your Pack Sign-up night and be prepared to grow your Pack.

All you must do is click on the registration link and provide the following:

  • District Name
  • Unit Number (This is currently only for Packs)
  • When is the event? (Date and time)
  • Where is the event?  (Location Specific)
  • What School you recruit from? (Be Specific)
  • Name of the Pack’s Facebook page.  (If they have one).    Not necessary.


The Council will:

  • Set up the Facebook Promotion through the Council Facebook Page.
  • Set the appropriate geographical size, length, and demographics, for your area.
  • Invest up to $7 of advertising power into your Sign-up night.
  • All ads run for 7 days.  

 This is for Unit based sign-ups (open house) only! This is not for the School Open Houses, these are already promoted in your community. For multiple events you will have to complete the registration process each time.

*Please allow 2 weeks to set this up.

If you have any questions about Geofencing in general, please check out this link and it will tell you all about Geofencing.

If you have additional questions, please contact Daniel Carpenter at or 607-331-1193.  Here’s to a great recruitment year!

When & Where
Online Class
Saturday 12-31-2022
12:00 AM ET to 11:59 PM ET Past
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