2020 Quaran-Camped Together

Baden-Powell Council Presents:
Scouts BSA Tuscarora and Barton
Quaran-Camped Together 2020!
July 20-24
This exciting program includes the following:
The option to sign up for as many as 6 badges to work on in a week!
We’ve added more than just the usual summer camp badges!
Merit Badges are being taught by subject-matter experts!
See Schedule to the right ==>
COST: $125, includes Camp-in-a-Box with souvenirs from each camp, Merit Badge pamphlets for each class they sign up for and the Quaran-Camped Together patch. The Camp-in-a-Box can be picked up at the Scout Office or shipped for an additional fee of $10 (Please select Shipping option in your reservation).
Also included in your registration, you and your family have the opportunity for one FREE 2-night campout for you and your family at one of our Camps once they are fully reopened (Must be used prior to October 1, 2020. Must bring own personal tents).
Reservations must be made through the Camping Coordinator, Rebekah Moore, at Camp.Secretary@Scouting.org.
*T-shirts sold separately through Class B and will be shipping directly to your house. To order, please click here: https://tradingpost.classb.com/baden-powell-council-store/
Safety is our top priority. All Youth Protection guidelines will be followed.
Parents are welcome to attend all sessions. A Parent Guide will be coming soon.
Merit Badges include the following and we are adding more regularly:
American Business
American Cultures
Citizenship in the Nation
Personal Fitness
Plant Science
Signs, Signals, and Codes
Scouting Heritage
Monday 07-20-2020 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-24-2020 8:30 PM ET Past