2020 Stay Camp Day Camp

Open to Scouts and Non-Scouts!
Three Weeks - Three Themes!
Heroes Day Camp: July 6-10
Build It Day Camp: July 13-17
Into the Wild Day Camp: July 20-24
Daily Online Gatherings at 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.
Virtual Campfire Thursdays 7:00-7:30 pm
$50.00 for one week.
$25.00 discount for each additional week.
Register for all three weeks for $100.00 and receive a free T-shirt! (If you sign up for all 3 weeks, do not order a t-shirt for your Scout. You will be contacted for your Scout's t-shirt size. You may order any additional t-shirts through the registration).
T-shirts sold separately for $12 each. (T-shirts and patches will be available end of July)
Registration is by Individual child. Registration fee includes Camp Patch and Camp Kit. Kits can be picked up in Groton, NY, Montrose, PA, and at the Council Office! (We can ship the kit for an additional $17.00).
Monday 07-06-2020 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 07-10-2020 4:30 PM ET Past
Build It Stay Camp
Monday 07-13-2020 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 07-17-2020 4:30 PM ET Past
Into the Wild Stay Camp
Monday 07-20-2020 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 07-24-2020 4:30 PM ET Past