2021 Tuscarora Fishing Derby
2021 Baden-Powell Council
12th Annual Ranger Fishing Derby at Tuscarora
Saturday, June 12, 2020
Scouts fish from 7:00 am – 11:00 am
Open fishing from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Price of $15 includes a hearty pancake breakfast with beverage, morning fishing and a commemorative event patch. Prizes will be awarded to the Scouts who catch or record fish prior to 11:00 am for the biggest fish. A special gathering will be held at 11:30 am for the derby winner. Fishing from boats will be available (Three to a rowboat and all boats must contain an adult swimmer. Boat occupants are limited to same family members only. Boat time limited to 1 hour per family. Times will be assigned by order of check-in. Fishing from canoes will not be permitted). Boat use depended upon the availability of a Camp School Certified Waterfront Director. Bait is not supplied.
Breakfast will be available for $5.00 to anyone who wants to participate but not fish.
Special sessions will be conducted in the afternoon (advance noticed required) to help Cub Scouts/Webelos earn the Fishing Belt Loop or work on requirements for Fishing Sports Pin. Fishing Merit Badge classes will be available for Boy Scouts (advance notice required). To get more information and register for merit badge classes email Mike Gebhard, Camp Ranger at TuskyRanger@gmail.com
Registration is limited to first 100 to sign-up!
Rain or Shine, It’s a Go! – NO REFUNDS!
Deadline for registration is June 8th, 2021.