OA Dues 2024
Event Details

Kittan Lodge Dues Registration
To be a member in good standing with Kittan Lodge, you must be current with your dues and a registered member of the Twin Rivers Council.
Dues provide a member with invites to all Lodge and Chapter events, communications on our activities, and access to great Section and National programs such as Conclave and NOAC. Paying your dues also supports the program and administration of the Lodge and the services it provides to Scouting and local communities.
If you are a member who has not paid their dues in a while, or someone who is moving into our Lodge from another, it is real easy to get started. Please email lodgeadviser@kittanlodge.org and we will contact you to begin the process.
When & Where
Kittan Lodge Dues
Council Service Center
Tuesday 12-31-2024
12:00 AM ET to 11:59 PM ET Past
Council Service Center
Tuesday 12-31-2024
12:00 AM ET to 11:59 PM ET Past