Tradeshow - Participants

Creating the Future at the PPC Tradeshow of Scouting
June 5, 5:45-9:00 PM, The Birchwood Manor, Whippany
Preregistration allows you access to more door prize tickets and a preprinted name tag. If you do not have an opportunity to preregister, please come as a walk in.
Patriots' Path Council would like to thank our sponsors:
The Cub Scout Expo is a ballroom dedicated Cub Scout parents who are new to Scouting, Den Leaders and Cubmasters.
Door prizes tickets will be handed out at the registration table, the district tables and the Tradeshow / Alumni table.
You must be present to win - Prizes not picked up by 9:00 pm are forfeit!
Please note that some of the ways to earn door prize tickets are no longer available.
How to earn tickets:
Register online by Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 5 tickets- Check in at the registration desk - 5 tickets
- Check in at your district table - 5 tickets
- Bring your troop SPL, Explorer post or Venturing president, ship boatswain or den chief to Tradeshow - 5 tickets
- Show us the PPC App on your mobile device - 5 tickets
- Pre-register to attend one of the breakout sessions: Lions, Popcorn training, Cub Scout recruiting resources, Online applications and Meet & Greet the 2018 Leadership teams - 5 tickets
- Bring another adult who was not at the Tradeshow in 2016 - 10 tickets (Tradeshow / Alumni table)
- Dress in theme costume (futuristic) or wear your uniform - 5 tickets
Like us on Facebook by 5/14/2017 - 5 tickets- Attend your district Meet & Greet 2018 Leadership teams - 5 tickets
Door prizes are on display in the West Lounge. There will be two drawings: 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm. You must be present to win - Prizes not picked up by 9:00 pm are forfeit!
Visit us on the web for a list of displays, vendors, updates, etc.
For the list of classes and class times select the file "Class Schedule" under attachments to the right ⇒