NNJC Program Launch

Join us for the launch of a new Scouting program year. This event is free to attendees! Unit leaders, committee members, unit youth leaders and others involved in Scouting are all encouraged to attend. Resource tables are generally run by volunteer Scouters from the Advancement Committee to the Training Committee, with information and ideas for your 2024-2025 Scouting year. Be sure to stop by and greet your district tables for up to date information on all district events (Klondike's, camporees, recruitment events, etc.). If you're not sure which district you are in, ask at registration on your way in and they will let you know. You will want to stop by and see some of the council's program partners that offer special Scout programs, service projects, fun times, education programs, events and more. These can be an integral part of your unit’s calendar. Visit these tables and pick up information and get your questions answered.