Scouting America New Hampshire - 2025 National Youth Leadership Training NYLT

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2025 National Youth Leadership Training NYLT

Event Details

National Youth Leadership Training

The Daniel Webster council has been offering the NYLT program to its youth leaders since the summer of 2000, to meet the needs of our local and regional Scouting units. Come accelerate your leadership with us!

What is National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)?

NYLT is a week-long outdoor leadership training program for youth leaders developed by Scouting America and conducted by Daniel Webster Council and other councils around the country. A highly trained youth staff under the supervision of adult advisors set the example in modeling the core learning and leadership messages of the National NYLT syllabus.

The course focuses on teaching advanced leadership skills through the patrol or crew method. The participants will be challenged to accomplish activities and projects using the leadership skills taught in the course. Participants will experience the simulation of a month in the life of a Scouting unit, complete with meetings, activities, and planning for the big monthly outing.

What are the course objectives?

To create an enthusiastic and fun situation where participants will experience “Scouting at its best”;

To give participants the confidence and knowledge to run their unit program and an opportunity to explore new program ideas with their peers;

To improve the health of scouting units and to create a youth training pool to assist in District level training events.

Participants will gain the most from the course if they have had a successful experience as an elected leader.

Venturers or Explorers who are Crew or Post members looking to step into a leadership role for their Crew, Post, or school in the upcoming year should definitely attend.

OA Chapters are encouraged to send teams of their upcoming leaders to the course.

What are the participant requirements?

To attend an NYLT course, a youth shall have the following qualifications by the beginning of the course:

Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit

Must have a current Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C (Note, Participants are required submit using Camp Docs and bring a hard copy of their completed medical form)

Scouts (male and female) must be 13 years of age and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program registration. They should be ranked a First Class Scout or higher and have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.

Venturers and Sea Scouts (male and female) must be at least 14, or 13 and have completed eighth grade, and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They should have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships. It is recommended that they have had at least one year of camping experience. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.

A unit leader recommendation Scoutmasters with questions should contact the Course Director to ensure that this program is the right fit for their scout. Click here to email the Course Director.

Pre-Camp Meeting: Tentatively set for Sunday, June 8th at 1 PM at Griswold Scout Reservation.  Partipants and parents should plan to attend.

When & Where
Griswold Scout Reservation
Sunday 07-06-2025 11:30 AM ET to
Friday 07-11-2025 8:00 PM ET
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