Trainer's EDGE / Fundamentals of Training
Fundamenals of Training and The Trainer's EDGE are required trainings for Wood Badge and NYLT staff,and are highly recommended for anyone who is involved in training activities. Fundamentals of Training will be offered in the morning, followed by Trainer's EDGE in the afternoon. You may attend one or both courses, depending on your needs. Those planning on taking both courses should plan to bring a brown bag lunch.
Please check your training records or consult with your District or Council training chair if you are unsure if you need either of these training courses.
The Fundamentals of Training
The Fundamentals of Training is designed to help Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. The course will also help those who might have trained for other organizations learn the BSA’s training techniques. And, it will help freshen up the skills of current BSA trainers. Upon completion of The Fundamentals of Training, new trainers will be able to apply the techniques they have learned across the BSA’s leadership development programs, from unit level youth leader training taught by youth for youth, to position-specific and supplemental training for adult leaders.
The Trainer's EDGE
The purpose of the Trainer’s EDGE course is to provide and help develop the platform skills of a trainer. While only practice can polish these skills, this course is intended to “train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experience in methods and media, and is recommended for anyone who wishes to enhance their training and presentation skills, both inside and outside of Scouting.
Trainer’s EDGE is designed to help Scouters understand the EDGE (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable) training model and gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences. Presenters of all levels and skills are welcome. This training does not have an expiration date; practice makes for a more knowledgeable and experienced trainer. Participants will have the opportunity to be in front of a small group, which will offer feedback that will help improve skills as a trainer. Likewise, each person will provide the gift of feedback for other presenters in a positive, helpful way. Be prepared to come present a 7-10 minute presentation on any Scouting material (including Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Exploring).
Registration Closes: 1/15/2025 @ 11:59 PM