Mid-America Council - Philmont Contingent 2023

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My Account - Part 2
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Philmont Contingent 2023

Event Details

Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America's premier high adventure base, challenges Scouts and Venturers in the rugged outdoors. Participants will enjoy exploring the more than 200 square miles of rugged New Mexico wilderness, which includes a variety of activities over a 7-day trek at Philmont. The Philmont Contingent Committee reserves the right to not accept a registration if the candidate is not fit physically or emotionally for the trip.

- Youth
must be 14 years of age OR 13 years of age AND have completed the 8th grade.
- Adults: Two adults must be 21 years of age or over. There must be a registerd female adult leader over 21 if female youth are participating. Maximum of 4 adults per crew.
- Participants will be in crews of 8-12 members with majority of youth and minimum of two adults. All participants must be registered in the BSA.
- Philmont participants must not exceed the maximum acceptable limit in the weight-for-height chart HERE

   7-day Trek option: June 17 - June 25, 2023

   Philmont Scout Ranch is located in Cimarron, NM - MAP

   $1,700 per participant on 7-day trek
   A non-refundable $200 deposit is required to reserve a spot.
The fee includes all Philmont Scout Ranch fees, shakedown/practice weekends, travel arrangements, any side trips, meals, and special mementos for the Mid-America Council contingent.  Spots are limited to first-come, first-serve. All fees must be paid in full by March 15, 2023.

- Participants will receive additional information related to travel arrangements, program opportunities, and trip preparations.  
- The Mid-America Council reserves the right to add qualified participants to all crews up to the maximum registration limit.
Each participant must complete the required health forms and COVID forms for Philmont Scout Ranch. Click here to download all appropriate health forms.
- Review personal equipment to bring on the trek HERE
- Visit Philmont's website at www.philmontscoutranch.org for more information about this great experience. 

When & Where
7-day Trek
Philmont Scout Ranch
Saturday 06-17-2023 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 06-25-2023 1:00 PM CT Past
More Information