NBZ Tribal Festival
Tribe of Nani-Ba-Zhu's
Fall Festival
Everyone is welcome, whether members of NBZ, OA, or other similar organizations. Join us for a newly expanded Saturday schedule!
Event check-in will be located near the Haddix Trading Post. Friday night attendees should be a tent and sleeping gear.
Program Features:
- Storytelling, Campfire, & Cracker Barrel (Friday night)
- Regalia Building
- Trading Post
- Beading Classes
- Honored Warrior & Sachem Classes
- Clan Meetings
- Indian Lore Merit Badge
- Native Games
- Shooting Sports (Archery, Tomahawks)
- Climbing Tower
- Chieftain Ceremony
- Campsite Naming
- and MORE!
STROM CAMPSITE DEDICATION: A special dedication of the new Strom Campsite (formerly Heritage Campsite) will be held on Saturday afternoon followed by the NBZ Festival banquet. Banquet-only attendees will have a late afternoon check-in time. Additional arrival information and instructions for banquet-only attendees will be sent closer to the date to those registered.
When: Friday, August 17 (5-8 PM check-in) - Saturday, August 18, 8:00 PM
Where: Camp Cedars
- Participants (Friday-Saturday) - $25 if paid by 8/13 ($35 after 8/13 or walk-in)
- Participants (Saturday only) - $20 if paid by 8/13 ($35 after 8/13 or walk-in)
- Participants (Saturday banquet only) - $8 if paid by 8/13 ($12 after 8/13 or walk-in)
- Includes: appropriate meals and activities