Mid-America Council - Trainer's EDGE

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Trainer's EDGE

Event Details

Trainer's EDGE

The Trainer’s EDGE (H96) replaces the Trainer Development Conference (BSA 500) as the required train the trainer course for Wood Badge and NYLT staff. The purpose of the Trainer’s EDGE course is to provide and help develop the platform skills of a trainer. It is meant to supplement the practice offered through Wood Badge and NYLT staff development, with a focus on the participant, while raising the level of skill a trainer brings to the staff experience. Only practice can polish these skills, but this course is intended to “train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands on experience in methods and media.

Participants need to prepare and bring with them a presentation on a Scouting topic of their choice. The topic you select should be broad enough to allow the yourself to apply the learning from the morning sessions. The participants should bring any material or equipment they need for their presentation with them to the Trainer’s EDGE course. The presentations should have a duration of approximately 10-12 minutes.

NYLT and Wood Badge Staff are required to attend this training unless you have previously attended; this is now a one-and-done training that does not expire.


  • National Youth Leadership Training Staff (required)
  • Wood Badge Staff (required)
  • Pack Trainers
  • Troop Training Chairs
  • District Training Chairs & Committee Members
  • Summer Camp Staff
  • Scouts or Adults wanting to harness their presentation skills

WHEN: Saturday, February 9 8 AM to 4 PM

WHERE: Sheet Metal Worker's Union Hall, Omaha
COST: $10 for non-NYLT and Wood Badge Staff
           What is included: Food, Handouts, Blue Cards, "Trainer's Creed" card
When & Where
Sheet Metal Workers Int'l Association
Saturday 02-09-2019
8:00 AM CT to 4:00 PM CT Past
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