Salt Valley District Pinewood Derby

Register up to 12 cars from your Pack for the race division and 12 car for the show car division. Council rules will apply.
Salt Valley District Pinewood Derby 2025
When: Saturday April 5th 2025
Where: St. Mark's United Methodist Church -- Family Life Center, 8550 Pioneers
What Time: Racers Grand Entrance at 9:00 a.m.
Mandatory Check-in: Friday, April 4th 2025, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
St. Mark's United Methodist Church - Family Life center, 8550 Pioneers Blvd (Send your car with a friend if unable to attend).
Races Begin: Immediately following Grand Entrance and National Anthem (approximately 9 15 a.m.).
Trophy Presentation: Approximately 2:30 p.m. Race Derby:
Race car division
10 Fastest Car Trophies, medallions with neck ribbons for fastest car in each rank:
Show Car Division, medallions with neck ribbons for best design car in each rank (voted by the Cub Scouts
Best of Show all Classes (Voted on by the Scouts)
Best of Show by Rank (Voted by the Scouts of that rank)
Best Scouting Design (Celebrity Judges)
Best Patriotic Design (Celebrity Judges)
Best Commercial Vehicle Design (Celebrity Judges)
Best Fantasy Design (Celebrity Judges)
Best Supersized Design (Celebrity Judges)