Prairie Winds District Pinewood Derby

The annual running of the Prairie Winds District Pinewood Derby is scheduled to take place March 30, 2025. Pack 296 has graciously accepted the role of host for the derby this year and are planning for both a Race and a Car Show, allowing 12 entries in each of the two categories from each Pack for a total of 24 entries from each pack.
The Gymnasium at East Butler Schools will accommodate a large size crowd so bring the family to watch. (Please be sure to bring at least 1 adult for every 3 Scouts). Lunch and concessions will be available on-site during the event by Pack 296 Brainard. Please plan on supporting the unit and purchasing your lunch and snack foods from them if you are not already planning on a sack lunch.
Rules and Regulations are attached below.
T-shirts for this event can be pre-ordered on-line as part of your registration. The deadline for T-shirt orders will be March 25th and will only be available as part of online registration. There will not be an onsite vendor processing t-shirt orders, T-shirts will be delivered to your Cubmaster in MAY of 2025 at roundtable. Registration is done online through the Council website and must be completed no later than March 25th, 2025.
Fees: $12.00 now through March 25th at 5pm. NO registrations will be accepted after this.
- 9:30am-11:00am: Check In & Inspection of race and show class cars
- 11:15am-11:30am: Opening & Flag Ceremony
- 11:30am Race Begins
- 1:30pm (or at completion of the races: Awards Ceremony for Cub Scouts)