OA Section Conclave
Event Details

Order of the Arrow Section Conclave
Quivira Scout Ranch in Sedan, KS
September 9-11, 2022
General Attendee: $50.00
New Ordeal Members (new since Sept 2021) $40.00
Registration deadline is Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Calling all Oni-Flo! Come join us for fun, fellowship and food on September 9-11, 2022. This is an annual event that brings all 7 lodges of Section G5 (formerly C-5A) together for the purpose of training, electing new Section Officers, entertainment, silent auction, etc.
Quivira Scout Ranch
1781 Road 19
Sedan, KS 67361
Online registration will close on August 23, 2022.
We would like to cordinate traviling together to this event. Please email Ian at oniflo.lodgechief@gmail.com, Dalylah at dalylahrybolt@gmail.com, or Dylan at dillpicklez1028@gmail.com if you are attending.
When & Where