Fall Camporee 2024
Event Details

Fall Camporee will be held at Rosecrans Memorial Airport on October 26th and 27th. This event is open to both cub scouts and to Scouts BSA members. Check-in for the event will begin at 8am on Saturday, and the event's program will begin at 10am. A full schedule for the event can be found on the event flyer. Scouts will have the opportunity to learn more about the airport's history, aviation, and about careers available in the aviation field. Scouts will also be able to earn their Aviation merit badge at this event. The event will cost $10 per youth and $10 per adult. After September 1st, the registration fee will increase to $15.
When & Where
Rosecrans Memorial Airport
Saturday 10-26-2024 8:00 AM CT to
Sunday 10-27-2024 12:00 PM CT Past
Saturday 10-26-2024 8:00 AM CT to
Sunday 10-27-2024 12:00 PM CT Past