Summer Cub Adventures!

What will YOU do this Summer?
Swimming, shooting, hiking, camping, cooking, and advancing are just some of the amazing things your family can do at Gamehaven's Summer Cub adventures!
Our staff are trained and excited to deliver an astounding summer camp program for your entire family. Come for the entire weekend, or just stay for the day. There will be flush toilets, running showers, and more amenities to make your experience as great as it can be.
Our summer Cub adventures are great for first-time Scouting families, with specific activities for kids going into kindergarten and first grade, and lots of helpful support staff to help your family learn to pitch a tent and sleep outside.
Exclusive Advancements Available!
Did you know that there are some special Cub Scout adventures that you can only earn at Cub Camp? We're offering all of them this year:
Archery (All Cubs)
Slingshots (All Cubs)
BB Guns (Tigers and older)
In addition, we'll be working on some hard-to-get and outdoors-oriented adventures like:
- Camping Adventures
- Swimming Adventures
- Nature walk adventures
- Knots & Fire Building
- And more!