OA Spring Mawenemen 2024

Ordeal Candidates: Congratulations on your election to the Order of the Arrow! This is your personal invitation to attend your first Order of the Arrow Mawenemen. Many of you have received an invitation in the mail to attend an upcoming Induction. If you were elected this spring, this is the first of limited chances to complete your induction. Your mawenemen registration fee includes your dues payment for the 2024 membership year ($20), an OA sash ($20), a handbook ($4), cup ($2), patch ($4), and discounted registration for the weekend ($20).
Members and Brotherhood Candidates: This is your invitation to attend a Mawenemen. As an Arrowman you were asked to serve your unit and the Order as a member. Come and rejuvenate your membership in cheerful service. By registering you may be placed in a staffing capacity to assist in administering a specific staff group or clan of Ordeal candidates. YOU MUST BE A 2024 DUES-PAID MEMBER TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT AS A MEMBER. To pay 2024 dues and/or buy an All-Oxcess pass getting you into this (and many more) events for free, go to scoutingevent.com/299-oadues24
Gamehaven Scout Camp
Friday 05-03-2024 6:00 PM CT to
Sunday 05-05-2024 11:00 AM CT Past