Red, White & Boom! Cub Scout Adventure
Red, White and Boom Rocket Camp
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Cedar Point Scout Camp
9am - Noon
$25 per youth | Adults attend free
3-2-1 Mission Control we have lift off!
Who doesn't enjoy the excitement of a rocket lifting off toward space? The sight, the vibration, the anticipation as we wait for the BOOM of the rockets boosters!
Red, White and BOOM Rocket Camp will explore the history and science of rockets including the lift, thrust and flight. And of course we'll be making and launching our own rockets.
Scouts in grades K-5 (fall 2022) are welcome to attend this camp and are encouraged to bring a friend.
Cost for this morning of "out of this world" fun is $25 per youth and adults attend free.
All persons at this event will need to have a Health Form parts AB.
Registration is open until Friday, July 1, 2022. After this date you may still attend by contacting Liz directly. Please be aware those registering after the date risk not having a rocket for launching.
Questions please contact Amy Ostgarden at 507-327-6161 or