Great Penguin Race

The Greatest Penguin Race
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Norseland Scout Camp
Noon - 3:30pm
$30 per Scout, Adults attend at no cost
It is not The Great Penguin Race this year but rather The GREATEST Penguin Race!
Mark your calendars for the awesome winter event. This year Pack 86 from Waseca is the host and plans are underway to make it the GREATEST Penguin Race ever. Scouts will participate in sledding, an obstacle course, the Great Penguin Surprise and of course it wouldn't be winter fun without some Snowball Slingshot action. Let's not forget about the snack either!
This event is held outdoors, so plan to dress for the weather. That means hats, gloves, scarves, boots on top of layers of clothing & socks.
Families should eat lunch before arriving and bring a water bottle. Check-in begins at 11:45am. Please do not arrive before this time. Opening ceremony is at 12:15pm and you'll be on your way home by 3:30ish.
This event will be open for all registered Cub Scouts and their adult. Every person on property must have a Health Form Parts A/B with them.
Registration is open until February 14, 2025.
Questions please contact Craig Baxter at 952-807-4683 or