Great Penguin Race 2023

The Great Penguin Race 2023 "Search for the Yeti"
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Norseland Scout Camp
Noon- 5 pm
$20 per Cub Scout Adults attend free
A long time ago, on the top of Mount Norseland, lived an old wise Yeti who befriended the Penguins tribes of the area. The Yeti like to bury treasures around Mount Norseland. As a symbol of friendship, Yeti gave each of the tribes a puzzle piece explaining that in order to find his buried treasure, the tribes must assemble the puzzle and solve the riddle. Sadly, before the tribes could come together to assemble the puzzle, a great fire consumed the lands, and all was lost. Recently, archeologiest have discovered the puzzle piece that belonged to the Yeti. Now it is up to you. You are tasked with assembling as tribes to search for the remaining puzzle pieces, assemble it and solve the riddle. This will lead you to the buried treasure. The Great Penguin Race is on!
It's the Great enguin Race! This is a great afternoon of outside winter fun and a Kodak moment for families! Scouts will travel between stations experiencing sledding, snowshoeing, gams, crafts and more all while they "Search for the Yeti" puzzle pieces. Will they find them? Can they solve the riddle?
Check in begins at noon. Please have a warm lunch before arriving. All should bring their water bottle.
Everyone (including adults) should dress for the Minnesota winter as you will be outdoors most of the time. Those not in proper winter attire will be overving and not participating. Proper attire includes multiplelayers of clothing (shirts and socks), winter coat, hat, mittens/gloves, scarf and snow boots. Remember - the weather is cold, but you don't have to be!
Scouts are welcome to invite a friend as well. Friends also cost $20 and must attend with their parent or guardian.
All people on Norslenad property must complete a Helath for part A/B.
Registration is open until Wednesday, February 15, 2023.