Northwoods Webelos Camp 2023

Northwoods Webelos Camp
Sunday, June 18 - Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Cuyuna Scout Camp, Cross Lake, MN
$175 per Youth and $75 per Adult
Northwoods Webelos Camp is an amazing three days for Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. It's the excitement of being at the same camp as the "Big Kids". It's cooking, shooting, games, crafts and skills that are mimicked after the older Scout programs. But mostly, it's a rite of passage. This camp is designed for those Scouts entering 4th or 5th grade fall of 2023. It's their time to discover what lies ahead for them in the Scouts BSA program (grades 6+). It's the camp their peers have been talking about!
This camp is held at Cuyuna Scout Camp located just outside Cross Lake, MN and is designed specifically for this age group. Each Pack is responsible for two deep leadership, but parents are not required to attend. If a Pack has both male and female Scouts attending, then both male and female leadership is required.
Camp begins on Sunday, June 18, 2023, with check-in between 1 and 3 pm. Plan on eating prior to arriving at camp as your first meal will be dinner that evening. Your time will be spent settling in, having health and swim checks, getting to know your way around camp and making friends.
Monday morning following breakfast, Scouts will breakout into their Webelos Adventure they selected during registration. Be Prepared! You will be asked during registration which of Adventure they wish to complete: First Aid, Camper, Webelos Walkabout or Stronger/Faster/Highter. Also, on Monday will be the round robin experience of the other areas of Cuyuna Scout Camp such as waterfront, ranges, crafts and more.
Tuesday morning, again following breakfast, Scouts will participate in the Adventure of their choice: Cast Iron Chef, Into the Woods/Into the Wild, Castaway or Aquanaut. And once again, the round robin of waterfront, crafts, ranges and climbing wall will be happening.
Following breakfast on Wednesday, Scouts will learn how to "break camp" packing up their gear and cleaning up their sites. You'll be headed home no later than 10am.
Northwoods Webelos Camp provides dinner on Sunday, all 3 meals on Monday and Tuesday. Breakfast on Wednesday is also included. Packs should plan to feed their Scouts before arriving at Camp on Sunday and on the way home from Camp on Wednesday.
All packs must provide two deep leadership. If the pack has both male and female Scouts attending, then both male and female leadership must be provided. Unlike other Cub Scout events, parents are not required to attend with their Webelos/Arrow of Light Scout as long as the pack has proper leadership. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from camp.
All persons on Cuyuna property must complete a health form parts A/B. All youth must have a parental permission form signed for shooting sports to participate at the ranges.
Registration is due May 20, 2023. With your on-time registration youth will receive one Camp T-shirt at no additional fee. Adults may purchase a shirt for $15.
Cost for this fun filled camp is $175 per Scout and $75 per adult. If your pack is a Super Saver Unit from Popcorn 2022 (Packs 86, 89, 130, 113, 51, 91, 57, 69, 80, 81, 15, 58 and 105) your rates are $150 per Youth and $75 per adult. Super Saver rates only apply until May 20, 2023.
After May 20, 20, 2023 cost for this camp is $200 per youth and $100 for adults. Shirts would need to be purchases at camp and will be limited in both quantity and size. Super Saver rate no longer applies.
Northwoods Webelos Camp registrations close on Saturday, June 3, 2023.
Questions please contact Lisa Boomgarden.
Sunday 06-18-2023 1:00 PM CT to
Wednesday 06-21-2023 10:00 AM CT Past