Leader Training at Kettering U. MBC- Flint
Adult Leader Training
at Merit Badge College 2016 held at Kettering University
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Here is a great chance to become a trained leader or pick up some supplemental training! Why not pick up some training while your Scouts are in their merit badge classes'
The cost of $6 is for the day which covers your registration for 2 half-day sessions or 1 full-day session. A buffet lunch is available to purchase at an additional cost of $8 or you can bring your own lunch. You will eat in the cafeteria with the Scouts. You must purchase lunch when you register here so we have an accurate count.
ALL DAY SESSION: 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
M01: Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specifics
Required training for all Scoutmasters and assistants, this course provides the understanding of the Scoutmaster role. The course includes the seven steps of a troop meeting, how to instill the eight methods of Scouting into the troop program, the advancement program, troop finances, troop program planning, the troop organization, the uniform, the paperwork, but most importantly how to deliver the “Promise of Scouting”
M03: Troop Committee Challenge
Required training for troop committee chairs and members, this training has been developed to help troop committee members better understand their roles and responsibilities. Troop committee members will be better prepared to deliver the promise in support of the troop, Scoutmaster, and Scouts.
M04: Eagle Coach Training
Required training for the Eagle Coach in each troop. The course is designed to give the Eagle Coach the tools they need to help a Life Scout along his journey to becoming an Eagle Scout.
M05: Scoutmaster Conference Training and Conducting Boards of Review
This course covers the “How To” skills for conducting the various types of Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review. This course is based on the National advancement policies.
M06: Unit Leader “My.Scouting”
This course will familiarize unit leaders with the tools that are available to them through “My.Scouting” to manage their unit training, JTE information, community service reporting, and more. “My.Scouting” can help a unit be more successful.
Also, a FREE Youth Protection Training class is being offered twice on this day: 11am-noon and 1pm-2pm. Pick the registrant type "Youth Protection Training Participant" and then choose the class time you want. If you plan to take youth protection trainng AND other trainings offered, you will need to add both of these to your cart and still will need to pay for the other class.
Please wear your uniform. A health form is NOT required. We would like you to register beforehand, but walk-ins will be accepted.
Bring your Scouting Spirit!