All Y'all Jungle Safari Family Camp
All Ya’ll Jungle Safari Family Camp is an overnight event at D-Bar-A Scout Ranch where your entire family & Cub Scouts check-in (5:30pm-8pm), set up, camp in tents, enjoy opening campfire at 8:30pm, and a Cracker Barrel (snack) the night they arrive. Breakfast and lunch are provided the following day along with lots of fun activities include games, crafts, archery, BB Guns, Coral rides and Much More. Make sure to eat dinner prior to check-in on the first evening.
All youth participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and have a fully completed BSA Annual Health & Medical Record (Health Form) - Parts A & B.
Be sure to bring: a tent and the tools need to put it up including ground cover for under the tent and a mallet or hammer, camp chair, non-kerosene lantern, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow and personal toiletries. Your Scout will need to wear his uniform for the opening and closing flag ceremonies. Other clothes may be worn during the remainder of the event.
Everyone in your family is encouraged to attend regardless of Pack or Den participation. Bring your mom, brother, sister, uncle or cousin to our All Y’all Jungle Safari Family Camp for just $40/youth and $30/adult!
Any questions or further information please call, text, or email:
Cassie LeBeau
Ranch Program Director
D-bar-A Scout Ranch
Friday 05-03-2019 5:30 PM ET to
Saturday 05-04-2019 3:00 PM ET Past