September Merit Badge Day - Rota-Kiwan
Event Details
Check in will start @ 8am at the Boy Scout Dining Hall
Merit Badges will start promptly at 9am so please allow time to check in.
Blue Cards will be provided if needed, they can be collected during the check in process.
Lunch will be provided by the camp in the dining hall from 12pm until 1pm. If you'd like to bring your own lunch you are more than welcome to do so, just be sure to be back by 1:15pm for classes to start again at 1:30pm
All Day Classes 9a-5p | Morning Classes 9a-12p | Afternoon Classes 1:30p-5p |
Archery No Prerequisites | Fishing 1a-d, 7, 8 | Canoeing 1a-c 2ab, 6, 13 |
Cooking 4a-e | Geocaching 1a-c 2a-c 3, 7 | First Aid 1a-d, 7,8 |
Swimming 1ab 8 | Kayaking 1a-c | Lifesaving 1a Complete 2nd Class requirements 5a-5d Complete 1st Class requirements 6a, 6b, 6e 7, 17 |
Welding 7a | Leatherwork No Prerequisites | Orienteering 1,2,6a-c |
Electricity 2,8,9 | Pottery 7 |
When & Where
RKSR Merit Badge Day
Rota-Kiwan Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-14-2019
8:30 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET Past
Rota-Kiwan Scout Reservation
Saturday 09-14-2019
8:30 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET Past