NRA Instructor Course
Where: Cole Canoe Base 1356 E Greenwood Rd. Alger, MI 48610
When: Rifle: March 22 - 24, 2024 May 10-12, 2024; Shotgun: April 12 - 14, 2024.
BIT starts at 3:00 pm on the Fridays. Basic Course starts at 8:00 am on the Saturdays and the Instructor Course start at 8:00 am on the Sundays.
*NOTE: NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT) is required before taking any NRA Instructor Course. If you are already an NRA Instructor and have taken NRA Basic Instructor Training within the past two years, you are exempt from this Training. Also, the Basic Course is required before taking an Instructor Course. If you have taken the Basic Course in the discipline and have the certificate you can be exempt from taking the Basic Course for that Instructor Course, no discount.
Cost: $200.00 for each course - This covers the cost of course materials, lodging, food, ammunition and range fees.
Additional Fees: Once you have completed the course, you’ll need to log in to the NRA Instructor’s site and complete your certification process. It is highly recommended that you join the NRA prior to taking the course and have a membership number to speed up the process otherwise you’ll have to wait for the NRA to issue you a number so you can finish your certification. Fees are: Members $30.00 for the first course and $10.00 for each additional course. Non-Members: $50.00 for the first course and $20.00 for each additional course.
Commitment: You will be required to sign a two year commitment form for working a minimum of four Council Camp events to receive this discount. If you fail to complete the two-year commitment, you will be required to pay an additional $250.00 to the Trainer. It is the instructor's responsibility to report your work days to the Council Shooting Sports Committee Chair. Gary Williams
NRA Membership: Contact the instructor to receive a reduced rate NRA memberships and renewals. They are available for $35 a year if you are interested. Memberships can be purchased during the course, but you would still need to wait for a member number to complete your certification process.
Pre-requisite: You will have to pass a REQUIRED pre-course qualification test for the discipline(s) you are taking. This includes safe gun handling of firearm during loading, unloading, misfires and stoppages and also shooting proficiency. These will be preformed on Bolt action, Semi-Auto and lever actions for Rifle and Semi-Auto and Pump Actions for Shotgun..
Rifle Registration deadline: March 1, 2024
Shotgun Registration deadline: April 1, 2024
Things you will need to bring: Safety glasses, Hearing protection, pencils, pens, paper for notes, one 3” three-ring binder for your instructor materials or 1” binder for each course, warm clothes as we will be shooting outdoors, personal items, sleep gear and a “great attitude”.
For additional information contact:
Gary Williams at or 248-561-6121
Cole Canoe Base
Friday 04-12-2024 3:00 PM ET to
Sunday 04-14-2024 5:00 PM ET Past
NRA Rifle Instructor Course
Cole Canoe Base
Friday 05-10-2024 3:00 PM ET to
Sunday 05-12-2024 5:00 PM ET Past