Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) (Camp Agawam)
Event Details
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
Outdoor skills are critical to the success of the Scouting program. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills will provide leaders with the basic outdoor skills information needed to start a program right and help their Scouts reach First Class rank. The skills taught are based on the outdoor skills found in the Scouts BSA Handbook.
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills is the required outdoor training for all Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.
You will need to bring your own personal and sleeping gear. Prepare for any type of weather as you will be outdoors much of the time. A gear list is provided below:
- Small Mess Kit
- Insulated cup and plate or bowl
- Utensils (fork, knife, spoon)
- Sleeping Bag and ground pad
- Warm sleeping clothes including hat
- Tent with ground cloth
- Scout Uniform
- Shoes or hiking boots
- Pocket knife
- Compass
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Toiletry Kit
- Boy Scout Handbook
- Folding camp chair
- Appropriate clothing for the weather
- Extra-long sleeve shirt
- Shirts, underwear, pants, and socks
- Jacket for the temperature
- Sweater, sweatshirt
- Rain gear
- Long underwear as needed
- Warm gloves/mittens
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