Hiawathaland District IOLS/BALOO- Outdoor Seminar

Hiawathaland District Outdoor Seminar
Offering: IOLS / BALOO
Greetings Scouters,
The Outdoor Seminar at Camp Hiawatha is an opportunity for Adults to get various trainings.
NOTE: ALL TIMES LISTED HERE ARE EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME.(The session times listed on the right when you register are the Central Daylight Times, NOT EDT)
IOLS - Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills - Friday 7:00pm thru Sunday 8:00am -
May 2-4, 2025 at Camp Hiawatha - Scoutmasters and their Assistants need 3-things to be considered ‘Trained’: YPT (Youth Protection Training), and IOLS (Outdoor Training).
BALOO - Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation - Saturday 9:00am thru Sunday Noon - May 3-4, 2025 (can stay overnight on May 2) - A Pack must have a BALOO Trained Leader to hold Pack and Webelos Overnights so it is good to have several in your Pack. Additionally a BALOO trained leader is recommended for all pack and den outdoor activities.
BALOO Training has 2 Parts!
Part 1 is an Online and needs to be completed at home by May 2.
Login in to my.scouting.org
Click on: Menu / My Training / Training Center / Cub Scout /
Course Catalog (then scroll down to Expanded Learning) /
Click on: BALOO Prerequisite Training (then launch course) /
There are 4-modules to be completed
Bring your certificate (paper or electronic) with you April 27th.
Part 2 is the fun part, the May 3-4 overnight at Camp Hiawatha.
Adventure Trail
For youth of training attendees (register for it under the adult training you are taking).
Please Register by April 18
An Adventure Trail is a program of supervised fun and learning between meals
(during meals and at night your children will join you) Register your scout for this under each training registration link.
Costs vary depending their parents Training Program:
BALOO Youth $ 20.00
IOLS Youth $ 20.00
Open to Cub Scout or Scouts BSA age boys and girls.
Youth should bring their Scout Handbook.
If you have any questions please contact:
Chuck Suckow
Reminder: All adults staying overnight on the property must be Registered Adult Leaders with the Boy Scouts of America and have completed the required Youth Protection Training within two years of the last day of the last session for which you register.