Cub Scout Rangemaster Training at the Ranch Hosted by Zone 2: Chippewa, Blue Water & Sunrise Districts

Are you a registered Adult that would like to would like to support the Cub Scout Range and Target Activities (formally Shooting Sports) program? Join us for Rangemaster Training on Saturday, April 26, 202 from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The cost is $15.00 per person. Lunch will be included.
BSA requires all Cub Scout Range and Target Activities (including Cub Scout archery, BB guns, wrist rockets/slingshots, catapults or rockets) to be supervised by a BSA certified Rangemaster. At the Cub Scout level, BB guns and archery are only allowed at district and council-operated events, and may NOT be conducted at the pack or den level. Archery Rangemasters may also conduct archery events at the troop, crew, and post level. Additional training is required for Scouts BSA Range and Target Activities (RATA).
This training is a eight-hour course that covers setting up a range, safety, handling equipment, using a bow stringer, maintaining and storing equipment, and instructing Scouts. This certification is valid for two years from the course completion date. This allows you to offer a variety of Range and Target Activities at an MCC property or an approved Council or District event.
Sign-up is limited to the first 20 people. Must be at least 18 to attend. Must bring a BSA Health Form (parts A & B).
"Archery and bb gun shooting are restricted to day camps, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camps, council-managed family camping programs, or for council activities where there are properly trained supervisors and all standards for BSA shooting sports are enforced. Archery and BB gun shooting are NOT to be done at the pack level." (Guide to Safe Scouting)
BSA requires one certified Rangemaster for every eight stations on the BB gun and archery range.