GLFSC 2018 University of Scouting (Madison Heights, MI)

What is the University of Scouting?
The University of Scouting is an adult leader's learning adventure! It is an action-packed, fun-filled single day of supplemental training where you choose the sessions you wish to take. Sessions are led by experienced volunteers and professionals who will help you enhance your ability to deliver a fun and exciting program to the Scouts.
The University of Scouting offers a wide range of unique adult leader training courses from the:
College of Cub Scouting: Cub Scout leaders can pick up tips, hints, and fun suggestions which will help their dens, the pack, and most importantly their own Scouts. Explore new cooking ideas, learn to tie knots, or even have some magical experiences during your meetings.
College of Boy Scouting: Boy Scout and Varsity Scout leaders can learn about any of BSA's high-adventure bases (including The Summit) or receive some pointers on "Meaningful Scoutmaster Conferences" or a learn more from a variety of topics.
College of Sea Scouting: Spend time on Sea Scout-specific topics.
College of Venturing: Venturing advisors can spend the day on Venturing-specific topics.
College of S.T.E.M.: S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. See how you can become part of this exciting program and how incorpoatining S.T.E.M. can enhance your unit's program!
College of General Studies: Leaders and parents can take other general studies topics which span a variety of Scouting Programs.
Who should attend University of Scouting?
YOU should attend for sure, along with hundreds of your fellow Scout leaders, Scout parents and even some Scouts from the Great Lakes Field Service Council and all of Michigan. All registered leaders, potential leaders and parents looking for the very best program for their youth in Scouting will find a variety of class sessions relevant to their current, or future, position in Scouting.
IMPORTANT REGISTRATION NOTE: When signing up for classes, be sure to select either Lunch Period "A" or "B" as part of your curriculum, unless your class includes lunch.
Registration (7:15 am – 8:15 am)
Opening Ceremony (8:30 am – 8:45 am)
Program Periods (9:00 am – 2:50 pm)
Closing (3:00 pm - 3:20 pm)