Camp Squanto Counselor In Training 2023 (CIT)

The CIT program is a training program to introduce Scouts to the role of a summer camp staff member. The training consists of a rotational assignment throughout the camp. This offers each CIT a chance to experience the daily responsibilities of each program area in camp. CIT’s will rotate through most of the program areas including aquatics, activities, handicraft, sports, shooting sports, and Trail to Eagle. While in each area, CIT’s assist in all program functions of that area, including assisting in merit badge classes and with afternoon activities. This experience will help each CIT gain not only teaching and leadership experience, but also self-confidence. CIT’s should plan a minimum three weeks of program rotation. Weekly evaluations will take place as well as weekly reviews with the CIT Director.
CIT Candidates must:
- Be 14 or 15 years by June 24, 2023 AND be a registered member of the Scouts BSA or Venturing program.
- Attend the Mayflower Council National Youth Leadership Training program held at Camp Squanto June 25-June 30, 2023 (unless NYLT has been previously completed. All First Class and above can also register for NYLT registration at no additional cost. When registering for the Squanto NYLT, please register as a particpant type CIT summer 2023.
- Attend Staff Training week June 30-July 7, 2023 and attend a minimum of three weeks as a CIT. A week with your unit does not count as a CIT week.
- This registration fee includes NYLT registration for First Class and above, staff training and program rotational weeks.
- Plan your own advancement and merit badge work with the CIT Director each week.
- All CIT’s are required to have the official BSA uniform and will be provided two CIT T-shirts to wear while in camp. Your personal conduct at camp must uphold the ideals of the Boy Scout Oath and Law.
Cost is $650 if paid in full by 3.15.23, after 3.15.23 cost is $800
Arrival for 2023 CIT is 10 am Sunday, July 2nd.
Camp Squanto
Sunday 07-02-2023 10:00 AM ET to
Saturday 08-12-2023 10:00 AM ET Past