Mayflower Council - Adventure Day Camp 2023 Camp Resolute

Starting A Registration
How to start a new registration.
My Account - Part 1
My Account Basics
My Account - Part 2
Importing, Managing, and Using a Personal Roster
Parent Portal - Parents Guide
How parents can update registrations.
Access Reports
View reports for registration.

Adventure Day Camp 2023 Camp Resolute

Event Details

Resolute Adventure Day Camp for Grades 2-5 (in fall of 2023) Dates:

Week 1: 7.10.23 to 7.14.23 Safari Adventure

Week 2: 7.17.23 to 7.21.23 it's Magic

Week 3:  7.24.23 to 7.28.23 Cubs On The High Seas

Week 4: 7.31.23 to 8.4.23 Weird Science

Week 5: 8.7.23 to 8.11.23 Knights Of The Round Table

Adventure Day Camp Camp runs Monday morning to Friday afternoon

We will be using CampDoc again in 2023  (Electrionic Health Form System) 

The 2023 $50 Early Bird Deadline is 3.15.2023

Cost is $ 400 if paid in full by 3.15.23, after 3.15.23 the cost is $450

$50 discount for multiple weeks and second sibling

Early drop off and late pick up available for an additional fee.

Drop off and pick up is at 129 Hudson Road in Bolton, MA


When & Where
Resolute ADC Camp Week 1 - Safari Adventure
Adventure Day Camp
Monday 07-10-2023 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-14-2023 4:00 PM ET Past
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Resolute ADC Camp Week 2 - It's Magic
Adventure Day Camp
Monday 07-17-2023 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-21-2023 4:00 AM ET Past
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Resolute ADC Camp Week 3 - Cubs On The High Seas
Adventure Day Camp
Monday 07-24-2023 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 07-28-2023 4:00 PM ET Past
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Resolute ADC Camp Week 4 - Weird Science
Adventure Day Camp
Monday 07-31-2023 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 08-04-2023 4:00 PM ET Past
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Resolute ADC Camp Week 5 - Knights Of The Round Table
Adventure Day Camp
Monday 08-07-2023 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 08-11-2023 4:00 PM ET Past
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