Mayflower Council - Merit Badge University

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Merit Badge University

Event Details

No Registration Needed

Merit Badge University (MBU) is an event for scouts to earn up to 3 merit badges! Most Eagle-required badges will be taught as well as a selection of other interesting badges too!

MBU will take place over the course of 2 weekends (March 1 and March 22) and will consist of three 1.5 hour blocks of learning on each day (plus a lunch period).

Scouts should Be Prepared to learn and earn as many as 3 merit badges. Selection will include First Aid, Citizenship in the World, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in Society, Communications, Personal Management, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness, Family Life, and more! Register now to secure your spot!


Registration will be unit-based and there will be no individual registrations allowed. Course registration will open once the course list and instructors have been finalized. Each unit will be expected to provide volunteers. Merit badge counselors must be registered and youth protection trained through the last day of MBU. Volunteers must be youth protection trained through the last day of MBU.




When & Where
Merit Badge University-2nd weekend
Westwood High School
Saturday 03-22-2025
8:00 AM ET to 2:00 PM ET
More Information

Merit Badge University
Westwood High School
Saturday 03-01-2025
8:00 AM ET to 2:00 PM ET Past
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