National Service Territory 11 Recycled Boat Regatta

Mayflower Council will be hosting the first ever territory wide recycled boat regatta at Camp Squanto in Massachusetts on September 9-11, 2022.
It is open to all ages and branches of scouting.
Registered groups will design and build a boat from recycled materials between now and race day and then race it against other groups on the regatta weekend.
If you have any questions please feel free to email NST 11, at
This event is for units only, no individual registrations please.
Sea Scout, Venturer and Scouts BSA units staying over night will have units assigned.
Cub Scouts wanting to stay overnight, should book therre own site through
Meals are prepared and supplied by the units.
After 9/2 the cost is $5 more per person.
Camp Squanto
Friday 09-09-2022 4:00 PM ET to
Sunday 09-11-2022 12:00 PM ET Past