BRING-A-FRIEND - Cub Scout Ice Fishing Derby and Hot Chocolate

1st Annual
Cub Scout Ice Fishing Derby and Hot Chocolate - Bring Your Family and non-Scout Friends!
Feb 16, 2019
Lake Independence
Far West Side of Lake
Enter from Baker Park Ramp
Fishing 10AM - 1PM Weigh-In 1:15PM
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Invite your family and Non-Scout Friends!
Come join your fellow Cub Scouts from Lake Minnetonka District for the 1st Annual, Cub Scout Ice Fishing Derby and Hot Chocolate. Located on Lake Independence, Maple Plain, Minnesota. Hundreds of Scouts and THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS will fish for sunfish, crappies, northern, and walleye and the chance to walk away with an award. And then there is the Hot Chocolate. Nothing tastes better then a hot cup of chocolate when out on the ice.
There will be an equipment demonstration by the Sheriffs Water Patrol, ice fishing demonstrations by local fishing and bait stores, and experienced scout leaders on hand to answer all your scouting questions.
It is not necessary for you to bring a non-Scout friend to attend this event.
Bear Goes Fishing belt loop - Cub Scouts working towards their bear rank will be able to earn most of their Bear Goes Fishing belt loop during the morning.
Come out for the day or stay for an hour or two.
Ice Fishing Patch
Official Derby Rules
- $4.50 entry fee per contestant to cover the cost of the participation patch and hot chocolate, adults and youth, girls and boys, scouts, and non-scouts. Preregistration required
- The contest location will be Lake Independence - Far West Side of Lake. You must fish in our designated area. The derby hours are 10AM to 1PM, weigh-in at 1:15PM, Saturday, February 16, 2019
- Only fish caught during contest hours and within the tournament boundaries are eligible.
- Holes will be provided. Entrant is to maintain holes. There will be sufficient opened holes.
- You must have a current Minnesota fishing license and abide by state laws.
- Decisions by our judges will be binding and final. The award categories include largest sunfish, largest crappie, largest northern, largest walleye, and best looking fish.
Saturday Day Activities
Lake Minnetonka District Scouts – if you bring a non-Scout friend to this event and he joins Scouting, you receive a FREE Recruited-Recruiter patch AND your friend also receives a FREE Recruited-Recruiter patch.
Adult Leaders, let us know using the attached form when one of your Scouts recruits a friend to join Scouting. We will send you the patches by US Mail or you can pick them up at the March or April Roundtable.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Vicki Jurek
Membership Chairman
Lake Independence- Maple Plain
Saturday 02-16-2019
10:00 AM CT to 1:00 PM CT Past