2026 National Scout Jamboree: Northern Star Scouting Contingent

2026 National Scout Jamboree: Northern Star Scouting Contingent Payment Site
What is this site for?
This is the site for everything you need to know about Northern Star Scouting's 2026 National Scout Jamboree. Infromation, updates, forms, and registrations will all be found on this page.
Youth Interest Form
Not ready to register? Need to know more? Fill out this form and a volunteer will reach out: Youth Interest Form
Interested in becoming an adult contingent leader?
A great trip starts with a great leader. We are looking for dyanmic adults to make this a marquee scouting event for the youth going. If this sounds like you, apply through this link: Adult Contingent Leader Interest Form
What Are the Contingent Costs?
The cost of the 2026 National Scout Jamboree for our contingent will fall between $3,500 and $3,800. This includes flights to and from the Jamboree, transportation and touring before the Jamboree (including food and lodging), Jamboree participant fees, tents, luggage, and a set of contingent identifying patches and insignia. Travel plans are being made and more information will be sent out as these plans are finalized.
Expect a payment schedule in Spring of 2025.
Financial Aid
Northern Star Scouting will not turn away any youth for the inability to pay a registration fee.
Council supported fundraising opportunities coming soon.
Local Contingent Questions?
For questions, please use the contact information located below or on the right side of this page.
Michael Gabiou - mgabiou@northernstar.org
Jason Klema - nssnj26@gmail.com
2/1/2025 Draft Calendar and Budget
May 2025 - Troop Leader Training (at Spring Camporee)
June 2025 - Summer Camp Promotion
November 2025 - National Early Bird Signup Ends November 3
December 2025 - Conduct First Meeting of National Jamboree Contingent / Parent and Scout Welcome Event
February 2026 - Conduct Second Meeting of National Jamboree Contingent (Location TBD)
April 2026 - Conduct Third Meeting of National Jamboree Contingent (Location TBD)
Youth Troop Leader Training at Unviersity of Scouting
May 2026 - Pre-Jamboree Wamup Event (Birchbend Campground/Equipment Distribution)
June 2026 - Troop Shakedown Event (Birchbend Campground/Equipment Distribution)
July 18-31 2026 - JAMBOREE
Total - $3,500 - $3,800
Jamboree - $1,560
Flights - $500
D.C. Pre-Tour - $1,100
Gear & Supplies Incidentals - $350-$650