Venturing 2018 Urban Adventure

Registration begins at 8:00 am, Race starts at 9:00 am,
Cost: $5 per person - includes light rail day pass and custom luggage tag.
A social media-fueled adventure race around the Twin Cities! Use your map reading skills, knowledge of public transportation, smart phones and street smarts to help you get to different way points around the Twin Cities on the light rail. You will collect clues, take pictures, and troubleshoot along the way!
Teams will be made up of Venturers and non-Venturers so bring friends! They get to participate for free with the completion of a youth application, giving your team bonus points for the adventure!
No one else in your crew is able or interested in attending? COME ANYWAY - and you can join others on a team. More Venturers make a better team.
Bring: Smart Phone - more than one phone & charger is helpful because you will be taking lots of pictures and submitting lots of tweets to earn your points.
Water bottle - stay hydrated
Dress for the weather - you will be outside most of the day so dress to stay warm and safe. Venturing shirts will get your team extra points.
Food will not be provided so be sure to bring a bag lunch or plan on eating out in the city.