2025 - OA Dues

OA Members,
For the first time in a long time the Lodge is raising it’s annual dues from $12 a year to $15 a year. Some of you may or may not know, but every year National requires us to recharter with them. While normally this has been $5 per person, starting next year the fee will now be $6 a person. This year we saw an increase in the price of stamps along with supplies to do things like mailing out newsletters. Additionally, we still have a yearly FOS contribution in which National has asked us to increase the per person contribution this year. Dues help pay for Vigil application fees along with National awards handed out at Fall Fun Fellowship. Because of these factors, the lodge is raising dues to $15 and we anticipate that we won’t need another increase for the foreseeable future. We appreciate and thank you for your continued support of Takachsin Lodge.
Be sure to follow Takachsin Lodge on Facebook. There are regular updated posts about upcoming events. Come put the fire back in the council ring.
NOTE: Your BSA membership must also be paid and current in order to continue your Lodge membership.