Sagamore Council - 2021 - Virtual University of Scouting Spring Semester

Starting A Registration
How to start a new registration.
My Account - Part 1
My Account Basics
My Account - Part 2
Importing, Managing, and Using a Personal Roster
Parent Portal - Parents Guide
How parents can update registrations.
Access Reports
View reports for registration.

2021 - Virtual University of Scouting Spring Semester

Event Details

Early registration is highly encouraged for all participants since many classes fill up quickly and class sizes are limited, especially for merit badges. Adults that are taking classes must pre-register as well. Pre-registration will be available from 12/1/20 through 2/1/21 for $17. On February 2, the cost will go up to $20 and will close at 11:59 PM on 2/17 PM. Scouts can register themselves or the Unit can register them. If you have registration issues, please contact or by calling the Hingst Service Center at 765-452-8253. No day-of registrations will be accepted. 


Schedule for Saturday, February 27, 2021 (all times below are EDT)

7:45-8:15 AM        Merit Badge Counselors and Leader Training Instructors Pre Event Log In and Prep
8:30-9:00 AM        Opening Ceremony, and Leave No Trace Training (all participants should attend)
9:00-12 PM           Morning Merit Badge Session and adult leader rotations 1-3
12:00-1:00 PM     Break for Lunch
1:00-4:00 PM       Afternoon Merit Badge Session adult leader rotations 4-6

Merit Badges will run on either a full day or half day schedule. Adult classes are 50-55 minutes in length unless otherwise stated in the schedule. All classes begin on the hour. Fill your day accordingly! 

When & Where
Virtual Event
Saturday 02-27-2021
7:45 AM ET to 4:00 PM ET Past
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