Central Division Spring Camporee - 2023
2023 Central Division Camporee
Hosted by: Pathfinder District
April 21 - 23, 2023
Ransburg Scout Reservation
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) will be offered to adult leaders during the camporee.
Are you, your patrol, and your troop living up to the standards and expectations set by Lord Robert Baden-Powell. Some of his quotes include:
• “Be Prepared.” “Be prepared for what?” “Why, for any old thing.”
• “The patrol system leads each scout to see that they have some individual responsibility for the good of their patrol.”
• “A Scout is never taken by surprise; they know exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.”
• “If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk.”
• “When you want a thing done, ‘Don’t do it yourself’ is a good motto for Scoutmasters.”
Put your skills to the BP Challenge at the 2023 Central Section Spring Camporee.
Friday Evening 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Nature Shelter
Saturday Morning 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM Nature Shelter
At check-in all units must:
• Provide/verify roster of adults and scouts in attendance
• Provide copies of Annual Medical Forms Part A & B for every adult and scout in attendance. Please place them in a 3-ring binder.
• Provide contact information for the primary adult leader in camp for the duration of the camporee.
Ransburg Scout Reservation
Friday 04-21-2023 5:00 PM ET to
Sunday 04-23-2023 11:00 AM ET Past
2023 Central Division Spring Camporee
Ransburg Scout Reservation
Friday 04-21-2023 6:00 PM ET to
Sunday 04-23-2023 11:00 AM ET Past