NAYR Post 8395 Open House 2021

Are you a teenager with your head in the clouds? Do you daydream of Flying? Ever been inside the cockpit of a plane? Join us at the NAYR Open House to learn more about the aviation industry and how you can fly into it!
NAYR Foundation is partnering with Exploring to bring all things aviation with Capt. Lynch. Students will be able to experience the aviation industry with hands-on projects, guest speakers, behind the-scenes tours, and simulations to better understand the opportunities available. Youth will also learn of several educational opportunities available to help jump start them in their aspirations. Participants will learn the importance of creating opportunities to build resumes and participate in two community service activities. The fees paid for this opportunity will also waive their fees on quarterly events. The NAYR Foundation offers events to the public and includes all food and transportation associated with the post activities.
September 10, 2022 @ 11:00 AM
Vincennes University (Aviation Technology Center), 2175 S Hoffman Road, Indianapolis
$76 up registration for full program year
Ryan Lynch