Eli Lilly Computing and Information Technology OPEN HOUSE Post #1876

Are you a teenager that is interested in IT? Do you like working with Computers? Learn more about the Exploring Program through Eli Lilly's IT post!
MEETINGS First Tuesday of the month
6:30 PM
This post will introduce Explorers to the broad range of career opportunities in the world of computing and information technology (IT). Topics will include business analysis, application development and coding, data and analytics, machine learning & artificial intelligence, networking, mobility, and augmented & virtual reality. Explorers will have the opportunity to hear from and interact with a variety of professionals working in these areas, several of whom are recent college graduates.
Location: Lilly Corporate Center/ Building 98 Lecture Hall – 307 E. Merrill St. Indianapolis, IN. Please park in the Lilly lot and enter through the main doors to Building 98.
Tony Zizak azizak@lilly.com
Activities will include tours, guest speakers, question-and-answer sessions and individual/group activities. The Computing & Information Technology post will meet from October through April.
Francisco Gonzales gonzalesfr@lilly.com
COST: $76 upon registration for full program year. Cash, Check, or Card accepted @ open house.